LDC - Agricultural Commodity Physical and Derivatives Market

The LDC subscription mimics the behaviour of a generic agricultural exchange-traded physical and derivatives market.
The HedgeTutor's trading and price risk management learning experience results from the interaction between the physical and financial markets that are simultaneously simulated:

  • Follow the evolution of prices and forward curves of your simulated market
  • Trade physical products as they are priced at premium or discount to the Exchange price and manage your inventory
  • Trade futures, options and swaps to hedge your physical price exposure
  • Evaluate the exposure of your combined physical and financial portfolio to ascertain your overall market risk
  • Follow up margining, credit lines and cash flows
  • Review the financial statements to understand the implications of your trades on your PnL and balance sheet

  • In addition, HedgeTutor provides:

    • an extensive library of Tutorials that incorporates all theoretical concepts behind trading
    • a comprehensive library of Case Studies that directly illustrate the concepts learnt and help Users to get familiar with the simulator






Brief Tutorial: Hedging with Futures

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